Thursday 18 July 2013

Well the sun is shining......

Well the sun is shining and people are in a good mood!  The school holidays are almost upon us and with that, prepare for chaos....

Not the chaos at the airport as you wait for the dreaded delayed sign, I'm talking about the chaos everyone has in trying to speak with 'the right person'.

 Whether I am trying to do business with a prospective customer, catch up with a regular one or even chase quotes, you just get the same answer - they are on holiday!!  Don't get me wrong, everyone deserves a holiday and indeed I shall be getting acquainted with Mr San Miguel in Lanzarote for 2 weeks myself. 

I just think although it is one of the most enjoyable times of the year, it is also a very trying one from a business perspective. Every year we go through the same testing summer holiday period when everybody says 'he or she is on holiday'.  Remember we shouldn't all just sit around and hope work comes to us, you have to be pro active and hunt for it. That is what sales is all about.  The thrill of the chase to get the next order.
It does however mean a very busy September when normality returns and everybody orders the print work they really needed a month ago.

Having said all that I'm now off to pack and if you need me 'I'm on holiday', if you want to place an order, 'I'll get right back to you'.

In all seriousness though we have a great team of people in the office so whilst you may not be able to speak with me directly, my colleagues will be able to help you without any problems.

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