Tuesday, 17 September 2013

To re-brand or not to re-brand

This is a big decision for any company! Some companies go jumping into a re-brand feet first without giving it much thought, but a company's brand is it's identity....it's like changing the colour of your hair or getting your eye-brow pierced.....not to be entered into lightly!

So if you're thinking about changing your brand there are a few questions to contemplate first...
  • Why are you re-branding?
  • Are you trying to resolve a problem?
  • Are you simply trying to update your image?
  • Has there been a change in the your target market and their needs or desires?
  • Has the company evolved, which you're branding no longer represents?
Once you've found the answers do some research - what do you want your brand to represent? What impression do you want new customers to receive? (After all, first impressions leave the greatest impact.)
Remember your existing customers, don't alienate them by trying to attract new ones.
If you're changing for change's sake - hit the brakes. Many companies have been highly criticized for making such a blunder! Like Pepsi, who have made major changes to their identity since their conception (in 1898!!), compared to their main competitor Coca Cola, who have made very minor adjustments to theirs.

Many big companies have successfully pulled off a re-brand, so it can be done. Look at these guys:



along with....
and EE (formerly Everything Everywhere).

Don't forget that your brand isn't just your logo, it's everything - from your website to your shops to your business cards to the member of staff in your shop!

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